Valitut rajaukset: Poista rajaukset
To gain the credits, the student must accomplish and pass all the parts of the course: - submit the tests and assignments - submit and keep a presentation - submit a study journal - take an exam (written and spoken)
Kurssimateriaali ja tentti on englannikielellä. Kurssikirja on saatavilla e-kirjaston kautta. Kurssikirjallisuus löytyy “Food Safety Management - A Practical Guide for the Food Industry (2023)”, jonka Veslemøy Andersen, Huub Lelieveld & Yasmine Motarjemi ovat koostaneet/koostaneet: - Fundamentals in management of food safety in the industrial setting: Challenges and outlook of the 21st century - Management of safety in the feed chain - Naturally occurring contaminants and inherent toxicants of plant origin - Allergens - Fruits and vegetables including herbs - Coffee, cocoa and derived products e.g., chocolate - Confectionery and bakery products including honey - Edible nuts, oilseeds and legumes - Vegetable oils and fats - Bottled and drinking water