Valitut rajaukset: Poista rajaukset
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Soveltuu kulttuurituottajan työpajaopinnoksi. Toteutetaan keskiviikkoiltapäivisin klo 12.15-16.00.
Kulttuurituotannon opiskelijat voivat sisällyttää tämän työpajaopintoihinsa. Luennot toteutetaan pääsääntöisesti lähiopetuksena keskiviikko iltapäivisin klo 12.15 - 16.00.
Course contents and schedule: WEEK 1 – online - KICK-OFF – 20 MARCH klo 15-17 - Introduction of the BIP (Blended Intensive Programme) - Introduction of the partner universities - Defining the teams - Introducing the problem – briefing o Online meeting with GEO parks - Getting to know each other - Forming the teams & defining roles in the team - Organisation of the travel WEEK 2 – online - 3 APRIL – start klo 15-17 - Introduction to Design Thinking – session - Deep understanding of the briefing - Starting research & empathize with the problem - Workshop on intercultural communication & hybrid collaboration - Deliverable: o Team presentation + roles WEEK 3 – online - 6 MAY klo 15-17 - Stage 2 of Design Thinking –> Define the problem o Find a lot of information - first research - Prepare for week 4 - kick-off - Deliverable to present: o Presentation 1st research on problem/solutions (Monday) o Students hand in action plan – get short feedback before leaving for Finland (Thursday) WEEK 4 – on site BOOTCAMP in FINLAND – (12th-16th May) - International visit o Getting to know each other in real life o Meeting the problem holder o Visit of the National Park - Day 1 – 5 : Ideation – workshops & coaching – Fix & feedback - & testing prototypes - Day 5: Presentation of solutions to problem holder & other teams - Deliverable: Presentation of Design solution with mock-ups and prototypes